1. How to earn money facebook bussiness free course
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How to earn money facebook bussiness free course |
Maximizing Your Business with Facebook
The term
“Social Media Marketing” is becoming common.
While a year ago it used to be SEO or Search Engine Optimized
content, which is basically content with a few specific keywords,
put in here and there, the trend nowadays is with various social
networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to increase the
profile of a website. The Internet is evolving quickly and
something new concerning how you can improve your site's
e is coming up almost on a monthly basis.
Specifically, with Facebook there is a lot of information
floating around the net about how essential it is for businesses
to be on their website. Yet, many businesses have an innate
fear of social networking as such because of their concerns with
data security. This is the dilemma that most SMB or Small to
Medium Businesses face, whether to be on Facebook or not.
This guide's purpose is to discuss in detail what exactly
Facebook is and how using it can help any small business
become bigger than imagined through social networking.
What is Facebook?
Facebook is a social networking site that was launched in
February 2004, by January 2011, it had garnered over 600
million users. It is now considered the third largest web based
company in the US after Google and Amazon and usually has
more visitors every day than Google.
Even though Facebook my not be considered large when
compared to the behemoths that are Google or Amazon, its
growth rate has been so fast that people now feel that ignoring
Facebook is at their own peril.
Even a year ago, Facebook was
considered as some-thing for the younger generation – in fact
when it was launched first by founder Mark Zuckerberg; it was a
place where his classmates and then his college mates at
Harvard could share information about themselves.
However, this has seen a radical change. While last year the
under 25 age group made up 58% of the population in Facebook
right now it is has come down to 40%. This is not so much because
younger population is not using Facebook anymore; they still are at
the same pace they used to, but because of the increase of other
age groups in new registrations. A look at the registration statistics
will show this. The those between the ages 35 to 55 has grown at
an astounding 277% while the 55+ age group has shown a
remarkable 195% increase in new registrations. This is definite
proof that the “young” sheen has worn out of Facebook.
There are also other reasons for this, like Facebook's new
initia-tives to include businesses, with their social plug-ins and
authenti-cating user logins. Although their analytics tool is not as
sophisticated as Google's it offers much more in details including
demographic info
rmation that is invaluable for most businesses.
It is not that everything is to the positive, there are negatives
to using Facebook, and primary among this is the fear of data
leakage in organizations. Yet, everything has its negatives, and
it only remains to be seen if the positives are compelling
to justify having a Facebook account
This guide will be divided into three broad sections, the first
would deal with why Facebook is important for most SMB's, the
second will deal with how exactly they can use Facebook to their
advantage, and the last will be the negatives to using Facebook.
ncrease Web Presence
This is the most basic reason for you to do anything online, because it
increases your web presence. Any business has only one objective,
and that is sales, be it a product or a service. The only
way to do this is to make people aware that you are providing a
particular product or service. Companies spend between 3%
and 10% of their total sales just to do this. In corporate parlance,
this is called marketing, when you advertise in different venues
so that you let people know exactly what it is th
at you provide.
With so much of money at stake companies are always looking for
ways in which they can get the same kind of exposure without
spending as much money and the web is giving them that opportu-nity.
More than 75% of the population in Western countries has broadband
connections at home; more and more people are going online for their
needs. Sales are slowly but surely moving towards online, and many
manufacturers are already taking advantage of this.
Amazon is posting a 15% growth each year, and their profits have
skyrocketed in the past couple of years. In fact, even during the
downturn, they were one of the few industries that posted growth.
Robert drakes
There are a number of benefits to buying online, primary among them
being lower cost and this benefit is hard to match in retail sales.
Many organizations have taken notice of this growth and
even though their online marketing budget is only around 14% of
their overall marketing budget, it is a large increase from last
year's 8%. Everyone realizes that the future is online, but there
are still a number of organizations that are still wary. It has
grown so fast that it has caught many companies by surprise.
With its enormous reach, especially in certain markets and
demo-graphics where traditional marketing does not have much
impact, Facebook offers an inexpensive, yet quite effective way
to put your company's face on the World Wide Web. Just having
a website is not enough and everyone knows this. While there
alternatives to Facebook is dominating the social network
sites and their 600 million users force you to consider the
amount of people that you could possibly reach. With Facebook
now surpassing Google in the number of people who visit them
every day, this is becoming more compelling.
This is a carry on from the previous point. The aim behind
increasing web presence is to not only increase the brand
awareness, but also increase brand image. While brand awareness
or brand recall is easily achieved with advertising, increasing brand
image is a little more difficult. Companies spend years developing a
certain image for their brand, and any decision with regards to a
new product is taken considering if it will fit the brand image or not.
Online this is not as difficult. Although the basics remain the
same, it is much cheaper to develop a brand online than offline.
For example, customer service online is usually restricted to
email and responses to blog posts and questions in the forum.
This is much easier to handle, and much cheaper in fact, than
real time call centers where people answer your calls.
Of course, emails may not be able to fully replace human interac-
Facebook for bissnes
tion, but it can reduce it by quite a big margin. In the same way
advertising as well as promotion of a product is much cheaper
online than it is in the real world.
Brand building is all about creating an image of the brand in
the minds of the people, and one of the easiest ways to do this
is to increase the interaction between the general population and
the organization. While having a website is the bare minimum
that an organization should do, there is not much interaction you
can have with your customers through your website. Many sites
have a “con-tact us” link and some even have a complaints page
where you can log in and put in your complaints, but doing so in
Facebook just increases the personal touch.
For example, while if you
manufacture toasters and if a customer
has a complaint with it, there is not much of a different between asking
them to log into your website and post their complaint and asking them
to do so on your Facebook page. The difference is that in Facebook
they will be connected to you, so that as soon as a response is posted
they will know about it instantly. While companies that do not have
good customer service may not find this to be of much use, companies
that spend on customer satisfaction will definitely find this useful.
Imagine if you have a team that has a turn around time of less than
four hours for every complaint, this is a good way to make your
customers really feel that you care by giving them a resolution in under
four hours. Even if you had as good a team, there is no point in it
unless the customer realizes it, and Facebook ensures that your
customers do.
Of course, you can integrate all the different facets into your
customer service so that they receive and answer via email or even
message to their phone that their issue has been resolved, but this
calls for resources. In Facebook, everything is available. If a person
connects to you on Facebook you do not have to worry about anything
else other than resolving their issue, Facebook takes care of the rest.
Not only this, but the customer's own personal network will also be
aware of your response, especially if he clicks on a “thumbs up” sign
signifying that he was happy with your service. This may
take time to build, but it gives you more returns than any other
CRM tool.
Having a website is all good and well, but just as you have
different clothing for different purposes, you need different tools
for different purposes. The advantage of Facebook is that it has
an already existing infrastructure as well as over 600 million
users, while at the same time being cheap to use, so you do not
have to spend any resources in developing a tool for yourself.
Once again, this dovetails into the previous topic in that Facebook, as an existing networking tool gives you the option of using it
to interact with your customers, at no cost to you. Simply having a
corporate page on Facebook means that you will get people who
are interested in you come and visit you. In addition, anyone who
clicks on your fan button will have your logo on his or her profile.
While this may not be a big plus with many SMB's initially, over time
a fan base can be created. Added to this is the fact that you are
linked to these contacts' contacts as well, which will help maximize
your company’s visibility.
Because Facebook is a place where people network it is a
great place for you to bring out any news regarding your
company. For example, if you are bringing out a new product,
mentioning this on Facebook is a good idea as it will help
generate interest in the product.
You can use Facebook as a means of providing discounts to
your customers if they purchase a product or service using their
Facebook login, they will get a discount on the product. A simple
example is the release of video games. When the smash hit Call of
Duty 6 was released into the market, it was an almost instant hit
getting so many downloads that their servers started to hang. Most
of this was because of their shrewd marketing through the social
media. Interest was generated in the game by targeting a few fans
and sending them unique invitations to the next in series.
Studying how exactly they did all this mostly using Internet
based tools is a lesson on what can be accomplished online,
with the minimum of expense. Another company that sells
software for different purposes uses its Facebook fan base as a
-launch testing team to get feedback about the application.
How exactly you interact with your customers is up to you,
just remember that Facebook offers you an existing network that
you can exploit. Depending on how innovative you make this
interaction, you can get huge dividends from little outlay in terms
of expense and time.
This is one use of Facebook that many people do not make
use of. Facebook has a lot of information about its users, and
this informa-tion is made available to others depending on the
privacy level that the users specify. Whenever they use their
Facebook ID to log into your site, (if you install this facility of
course), Facebook will make available to you as much
information as the user has in his or her public profile.
This means that when it comes to savvy people who are aware
of how Facebook works, you may well only get general information
like email addresses. Email addresses are useful tool considering
that the email address on Facebook will mostly be genuine. When it
comes to users who are either not knowledgeable enough about
the different privacy settings in Facebook or are just not bothered
enough, you can get much more information from Facebook.
This can help you not only generate more leads for your ad
campaign but also target it to specific niches based on the informa-tion
that you get from Facebook. For example, if you are selling fitness
equipment, you will probably be able to target your campaign to those
people whose profile lists anything related to fitness as their hobbies.
Not only is the campaign going to be much cheaper, it is also going to
be much more effective, because you will never be able to target the
audience in such a focused manner anywhere else.
mentioned, the amount of information that is made available to
you by Facebook depends on the users themselves, so there is always
the chance that users will not make much information avail-able to you.
Yet, this method is still effective because you will get the basic
information that you know is at least accurate and not outdated.
This facet of Facebook is even more useful when you consider
the kind of business you deal in. If your business is local in nature,
you can focus your search to a particular geographic area so that
you know that any leads generated would be useful. This is much
better than spending time on worldwide customers who are not
going to benefit your business in any way.
This may not be a top reason, but it still has its uses. For example,
if any user wishes to be friends with you and clicks on the friends tab in
your company profile page, you can configure your account to accept
friends by default. That way every person who becomes your friend is
accepted as one by you. You are not only connected to them, but to
their friends as well through their Facebook account.
This may take a little bit of time to net results, but as a long-term
option to increase the profile of your organization it is a good idea. This
is especially true if you have a dedicated person to maintain the profile
of the company and put in any information about the company on a
regular basis. They can also respond to queries or take note of any
complaints. You are creating a certain loyalty in your network by
working to take care of their issues so that the next time they want
something they will come to you. They will recommend you to others
and your network will be able to continue to expand.
Since you are an organization here, you can basically connect with
everyone who wants to connect with you and over time, your network
can only increase. With the pace at which the virtual world moves,
many people are actually saying that they get their news from the
social media long before they get it from the mainstream cable news
channels. People are starting to rely on Facebook to get infor
mation that they need, rather than go through the news and then
filter out what they do not need. If you like tennis, but are not
inter-ested in politics, you can keep abreast of what is
happening in the tennis world while not having to sit through the
political news to get to the sports.
This kind of targeting means that your network will be full of
only people who are interested in you as they have the option of
leaving your network at any time. This becomes useful when it
comes to sales conversions, which is our next point.
The first thing that you should realize is that Facebook is a
social network site. This means that you cannot actively canvass
for sales the way you would elsewhere. Yet, simply because
there is such a large network out there, there are things that you
can do to increase your sales using your social network.
To bring back the example of the launch of Call of Duty, the
producers of the game started their marketing months before the
launch of their product. They sent out coded messages to
people who were big in the gaming world. This included not only
die-hard Call of Duty fans, but also critics. The code had to be
cracked, and when you did that, it gave the URL to a new game
that was supposed to come out soon.
There was nothing about Call of Duty in this strategy at all, yet
because the URL had short scenes from the game, most people
knew that it had to be Call of Duty because it coincided with their
release schedule. This led to a storm of activity with gamers
discussing about the merits and demerits of the new game, and all
this without any basic information regarding the actual game.
When the activity levels started to die down a carefully choreographed leak would send the gamers into another storm until finally
when the game was actually released there was so much demand
for it that it grossed $410 million on the day of its launch, an all time
record, putting to shame high grossing movies like Harry Potter.
Most of this was done only using social media, and even if
Face-book did not play any part in this, it still shows the potential
that an innovative strategy can have on sales. In addition, all this
would not have cost 1/100th of the cost of traditional marketing.
The producers were shrewd enough to use the strengths of such
a network and the results are there for all to see.
Of course, the product itself was a good one, and the
previous editions of the same game were top sellers
themselves, so the producers had a base from which to work.
The basic principles however do not change.
There are a number of other companies that use their Facebook
fan base to do beta testing. The advantage of being a fan of the
orga-nization is that, you get to do free beta testing, and they get a
discount when they do buy the product. This is a win-win situation
for both the network as well as the company because their fan base
will assure them of a minimum number of sales.
The kind of strategy depends on the kind of product you have
to sell, and you cannot very well do beta testing for a new
landscape design, if that is what your company does. Yet, it
gives you the oppor-tunity to try something really innovative, and
the best part is
that this is not expensive at all.
When Call of Duty had its beta testing, they had to rely on
their fan base built over years but through their own network
built at their own cost. Now, you have the opportunity to use an
already existing network to try out your own unique marketing
strategy and at little to no cost to you.
This is the reason why many manufacturers are wary of Facebook. Facebook launched their community pages in April 2010 and
created a furor of complaints about how it was not only useless but
was actually damaging for small business owners. Facebook has
since gone out of its way to educate people on what exactly the
community pages were and how it could be used.
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