Is it difficult to earn money from YouTube


How to earn money on you tube 100% free course 

What is a YouTube influencer? It is someone that has developed a 

channel and has a huge number of subscribers in their chosen field. 

YouTube is a massive platform and it provides huge outreach for 

influencers. With the right influencer marketing you can set trends on 

the platform and make a great deal of money.

Imagine doing something that you love everyday and bringing 

entertainment and pleasure to millions. Every possible niche has at least 

one influencer on YouTube and some niches have several. There are

influencers in travel, video gaming, product reviews and many more. 

Some of these influencers earn significant incomes.

You are not going to become a YouTube influencer overnight. It 

requires dedication and consistent effort to achieve influencer status. 

Decide what your influencer goals are and then create a plan to achieve 

them. If you like creating videos that people love to watch then the life 

of a YouTube influencer is a good option for you.

There is a lot of money to be made as a successful YouTube influencer. 

You may have seen examples of the incomes that some of these people 

are generating. It is the best job in the world

as you are highly paid for 

something that you love doing.

In this special report we will provide you with the advice and guidance

that you need to begin your journey as a YouTube influencer. By 

following the steps in this report, you will give yourself the maximum 

chance of success

In the next section, we will discuss some of the most famous YouTube 


Learning from some of the most 

Famous YouTube Influencers

Some people are skeptical about making a lot of money on YouTube. 

They don’t believe some of the numbers that are published about the 

incomes that the top influencers are earning. The truth is that they are 

making a ton of money and use different ways to achieve this.

The Top Influencers on YouTube

The number one influencer on YouTube is a guy called PewDiePie. He 

has been number one for a while now. He now has over 110 million 

subscribers to his channel. Since he started with YouTube he has created 

and uploaded over 4,000 videos. In a few days of launching a new video 

it will usually garner millions of views.

His real name is Felix Kjellberg and he is originally from Sweden and 

now lives in the UK. He is in the video gaming niche which is very 

popular. People love to watch his videos where he streams himself 

playing games and commentating as he goes.

It is estimated that he earned $3 million in 2021. We believe this to be 

on the low side as he has several different streams of income. No matter 

what his true earnings are as a YouTube influencer they are significant 

and he is living proof that top influencers can earn a fortune.

The second biggest influencer on YouTube is the channel named the 

“Kids Diana Show”. This channel has over 90 million subscribers and is 

about a girl called Diana and her brother Roma unboxing toys and 

participating in great adventures.

YouTube users cannot get enough of these kids opening their toys. It is 

hard to believe that this is so popular. It is estimated that the channel 

makes around $700,000 every month and it is growing. A simple idea 

that has made the creators a fortune.

Another success story is the channel “Like Nastya”. They have over 88 

million subscribers and are catching up fast with the Kids Diana Show. 

As soon as a new video appears it soon has millions of views. The 

videos feature the little girl Nastya (Stacey) and her father having a lot 

of fun with her friends and more.

Vlad and Nicki is another popular kids channel on YouTube is next with 

just under 80 million subscribers. This channel features two young 

brothers that like to play with toys and have a lot of fun in their videos. 

Their videos often feature their parents as well.

Next up are “Dude Perfect” which are 5 guys from the US who provide 

comedy videos and perform a lot of different stunts such as trick shots in 

sports. These guys are now up to 57 million subscribers and their videos 

all have millions of views. There most popular video is about flipping a 

water bottle and has over 400 million views.

MrBeast is another top YouTube influencer that a lot of people have 

heard of. He now has more than 90 million subscribers and his videos 

are as popular as ever. He tackles different challenges in his videos. 

Other popular influencers include Kimberly Loaiza who is from Mexico 

and creates lifestyle videos and Smosh who are a comedy team.

YouTube Influencers have changed how 

Marketing works

The emergence of YouTube influencers has changed the way online 

marketing works in a big way. Businesses now recognize the massive 

reach and the power that these influencers have and they are willing to 

spend big bucks with them for product shoutouts and more.

Influencer marketing is definitely here to stay. There are not just 

influencers on YouTube but on other social platforms too such as 

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok and more. If these people can be 

influencers on YouTube, then so can you. 

In the next section, we will discuss how to start your YouTube 

Influencer journey

How to Start your YouTube 

Influencer Journey

The first thing to say here is that becoming a YouTube influencer that 

has the potential to earn a significant income is not an easy thing to do. 

If it was then there would be many more people doing it. 

You have seen examples in the last section of the top influencers and 

what they do. All of these influencers earn a lot of money from the 

YouTube platform, sponsorship and more. The most important thing that 

you can do to start your YouTube influencer journey is to believe that it 

is possible for you.

You need a Goal and a Plan

The best way to start your YouTube influencer career is to set a goal for 

what you want to achieve from it. You need to define exactly what you 

are going to do and make your goal challenging and inspiring. When 

your goal is inspiring it will provide you with the high levels of 

motivation that you will need to keep working at it every day.

Your goal will define the type of videos that you will make and help you 

to figure out who your target audience is. It is essential that you start 

with total clarity about what you are going to do with your YouTube 

channel. This will lay the foundation for your business.

Once you have established your goal you need to create a plan to 

achieve it. Your plan will define the actions you will take each day to 

edge closer to your goal. You are not going to create a perfect plan but 

you do need one to guide you

Create your Channel

If you do not have a YouTube account then you need to create one. You 

will need a free Google account to do this such as a Gmail email 

address. Your channel will need a name and you need to visualize how 

you want it to look. The best channels have compelling artwork and you 

can outsource this on if you do not have the skills to do it 


Your channel name should let users know what you are doing. Make it 

as easy to remember as possible. It is good to perform some keyword 

research using the Google Keyword Planner to get ideas for video titles 

in your chosen niche. Use a keyword in your channel so it helps users 

understand what it is about.

Alternatively, you can create a brand name for your channel. Some 

people use their own name or create an alias. You could also use letters 

as an abbreviation. The influencer, Marques Brownlee, uses MKBHD as 

his channel name.

This has the advantage of being a short name and it is easily 

recognizable on YouTube and other social channels. Choosing a 

memorable channel name is very important. You want users to 

remember your channel name easily.

What Niche are you in?

Choosing the right niche for your YouTube channel is essential. If you 

have a strong interest in something such as tech gadgets or travel then 

this is a good idea. To be successful as a YouTube influencer you need 

to choose a niche that will be popular with YouTube users.

Some YouTube influencers are in more than one niche. There is nothing 

to stop you doing this as you progress but we recommend that you 

choose one niche to get started. Is there money being spent in your 

chosen niche? Are there products and services in the niche where you 

can make money from sponsorship or affiliate marketing?

What will your Voice be?

This is something that you mustn’t overlook. You need to create 

engaging videos on your channel to amass views and subscribers. 

Defining your voice at the beginning is the best way to go. You know 

who your target audience is so how are you going to connect with them?

Creating a profile for your ideal subscriber is a good thing to do and it 

will help you define your voice. Think about the demographics of your 

profile subscriber. What is their age range, gender, interests, hobbies, 

employment status, location and more?

You will give yourself a much better chance of being a successful 

YouTube influencer the more that you know your audience. Creating a 

subscriber profile will provide you with clarity and help you to 

determine the type of video content that you need to create for your 


The most successful YouTube influencers do not pretend to be 

something they are not. It is best for you to “be yourself”. This will 

make it easier for you to create engaging videos for your audience. It is 

not easy to maintain an “act” where you are pretending to be someone 

that you are not.

Use your personality to engage your audience. They are not expecting 

you to be a Hollywood star so don’t waste your time trying to be one be

natural and passionate about your niche in your videos and the views 

and subscribers will come.

Make Engaging Videos

YouTube influencers are not shy about being in front of the camera. If 

you have a problem with this then you need to overcome it. You are only 

going to build a lot of subscribers through KLT (know, like and trust). 

Your audience cannot achieve KLT with you if they never see your face 

on your videos.

Think about the type of videos that you can create for your channel. 

“How to” videos are extremely popular on YouTube and a lot of users 

search for these. If you are an expert in your niche then create videos 

that show your audience how to overcome problems.

Another popular type of video on YouTube is the product review. Here 

you will discuss different products and talk about what you like and 

don’t like about them. You can use affiliate marketing here to make 

commissions from recommending products.

Always think about the value that you can provide with your videos. 

Never create videos that are “salesy”. People do not like to be sold to. 

Show and tell is the best thing to do. Make your videos entertaining no 

matter what type you are creating.

A lot of niches change often and you can be the YouTuber that provides 

the latest information about these changes to your audience. New 

products and services, changes to the way things work such as rules and 

regulations – the possibilities are almost limitless here. Just keep your 

finger on the pulse of what is happening in your niche.

It doesn’t matter if you have competitors in your niche – in fact, this is a 

good thing because it proves that there is demand for videos about the

natural and passionate about your niche in your videos and the views 

and subscribers will come.Make Engaging Videos

YouTube influencers are not shy about being in front of the camera. If 

you have a problem with this then you need to overcome it. You are only 

going to build a lot of subscribers through KLT (know, like and trust). 

Your audience cannot achieve KLT with you if they never see your face 

on your videos.

Think about the type of videos that you can create for your channel. 

“How to” videos are extremely popular on YouTube and a lot of users 

search for these. If you are an expert in your niche then create videos 

that show your audience how to overcome problems.

Another popular type of video on YouTube is the product review. Here 

you will discuss different products and talk about what you like and 

don’t like about them. You can use affiliate marketing here to make 

commissions from recommending products.

Always think about the value that you can provide with your videos. 

Never create videos that are “salesy”. People do not like to be sold to. 

Show and tell is the best thing to do. Make your videos entertaining no 

matter what type you are creating.

A lot of niches change often and you can be the YouTuber that provides 

the latest information about these changes to your audience. New 

products and services, changes to the way things work such as rules and 

regulations – the possibilities are almost limitless here. Just keep your 

finger on the pulse of what is happening in your niche.

It doesn’t matter if you have competitors in your niche – in fact, this is a 

good thing because it proves that there is demand for videos about good cemara

and a microphone. You need to take your YouTube influencer business 


There are good free tools that you can use for video editing. For 

Windows computers you can use the Movie Maker which is free from 

Microsoft. Apple computer users can use iMovie. You can purchase 

other video editors that will do a lot fancier things but this is not 

necessary to get started. Search Google to see what other free video 

editors are available.

We recommend that you do your video creation and editing using a 

desktop computer or laptop. These devices are a lot more powerful than 

your phone or tablet. Using a larger screen is a good idea as well 

especially when it comes to editing.

If you are going to create “how to” videos and need to record your 

screen then you will need good screen recording software. OBS Studio 

is free and works with both Windows and Mac computers. It has 

everything that you need to get started.

When you are recording yourself on camera you need to be in the 

middle. You can use the “rule of thirds” where you break up the screen 

into thirds and position yourself in the center. Be prepared to practice 

with your camera until you get this right.

Rather than creating a script for your video and then reading this out 

when you record, we recommend that you create a list of important 

points that you need to raise in the video. Reading from a script can look 

and sound very unnatural which you want to avoid

Use Video SEO Techniques

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world after google. 

Many people use YouTube to search for what they want as they would 

prefer to watch a video than read a blog post for example.

No matter how good your videos are, if YouTube users cannot find them 

with search, then you are wasting your time. You need to SEO optimize 

all of the videos that you upload so that you give them the best possible 

chance of appearing in the search results for specific keywords.

For each video that you create, perform keyword research for it first. 

You can do this for free using the Google Keyword Planner. Identify the 

keyword terms that you think users will search for to find your videos.

Put your most important keyword in your video title. There is a video 

description box under the video and you must add text here and include 

your keywords in it. You can also add URLs to your video description. 

Add tags to your videos which contain the keywords that you want to 

appear in search for. 

We recommend that you remind your viewers to subscribe to your 

YouTube channel and “like” your video at least once. You can also ask 

them to leave a comment. Telling people what they need to do online is 

necessary. Never assume that they will just subscribe. 

Finally, you need to create compelling thumbnails for your videos. If 

you do not add a thumbnail image then YouTube will select a section of 

your video as the image. This was OK a few years ago but it isn’t now. 

You can use for free to create great looking thumbnails for 

YouTube videos. Be consistent with your thumbnail designs so that you 

stand out from the crowd and that users will instantly recognize your 

videos. Outsource the creation of your thumbnails on if you 

want to.

Post New Videos Regularly

If you want to be a successful YouTube influencer then you need to be 

consistent. A lot of good influencers post new videos 2 or 3 times each 

week and this seems to work well for them. You can work up to this 

number if this is not possible for you to start with. 

As your subscriber base grows, they will expect you to be consistent 

with your video posting. If you start by posting videos on a Tuesday for 

example then stick with this. Tell your subscribers that you will post 

every Tuesday and do everything that you can to ensure you stick to this.

Posting new videos regularly will help to develop your library. As the 

number of videos grows on your channel, the more content that you will 

have for your subscribers to watch. This is good for your overall 

standing on YouTube as it tells the algorithm that your videos are 


Use Social Media to Promote your Videos

All successful YouTube influencers have social media channels that they 

use to promote their videos. You do not need to create a profile on all 

social media platforms. What you do need to do is to find out where 

your target audience hangs out and make sure you have a profile on 

those channels.

If your audience mainly uses Facebook then it is unlikely that they will 

use Tik Tok as well for example. Do your homework here and find out 

which social platforms your audience uses. You can also take a look at

the YouTube channels of your competitors to see what social channels 

they are using. 

Once you have the necessary social channels in place you need to add 

content to them. Of course, you will want to tell your followers 

whenever you launch a new video on YouTube. But it is better if you 

can do more than this. It will take time to build up a following on the 

various social channels and publishing valuable content regularly is the 

best way to do this.

Tell the story of your YouTube channel on your social channels. Why 

did you create it? What are your aims with the channel? Ask your social 

followers for ideas for new video content you can create. Get them 

involved as much as possible. Engagement and interaction are essential 

to build up and maintain a good following on social media platforms.

Monitor the Performance of your Videos

After you have uploaded a few videos, you need to start monitoring how 

well they are performing for you. There are a lot of helpful metrics 

available in YouTube analytics. You can see at a glance how many 

views your videos are receiving; the number of comments users are 

leaving and other important metrics.

By paying careful attention to these metrics, you can see which of your 

videos create the most engagement. Ask yourself why this is the case. 

What is it about these videos that makes them the most popular? 

You can find Audience Retention Graphs in YouTube analytics that will 

show you what kind of habits your viewers have. Use this information to 


• Your most popular videos (by engagement)

• Times when viewers click away from your videos or your channle

Comments that can help you to improve your videos

You need to be prepared to make consistent improvements to your 

videos. This information is very valuable to you. For example, if you see 

that viewers are clicking away from one of your videos at around the 

same time then investigate why this is happening.

Some people are likely to leave valuable comments about how you can 

improve your videos or provide you with ideas for new content. When 

you receive a comment on your videos be sure to respond to it as quickly 

as possible. Always thank users for making constructive comments.

In the next section, we will discuss using YouTube promotional 


Using YouTube Promotional Tactics

When you have created and uploaded some videos to your YouTube 

channel there are specific tactics you can use on the platform to promote 

your channel and videos. Most people that upload YouTube videos do 

not use these tactics but you should because they will help you to get 

more views and subscribers.

Create a Channel Trailer

You have the opportunity to upload a trailer video to your channel and 

we recommend that you do this. This will help to convince users that 

have not subscribed yet to do so. The trailer can be set up to autoplay 

when a user lands on your channel page.

Make your trailer video short but interesting and exciting. Make sure 

that you tell viewers to subscribe to your channel so that they do not 

miss out on the exciting videos that you plan to upload in the future.

Increase your Subscribers 

You have the opportunity to create a subscribe link which appears on all 

of your videos in the bottom right-hand corner. This is a proven tactic 

that will help you to gain more subscribers to your YouTube channel.

Another tactic for gaining more subscribers is to create branded 

watermarks. Users that view your videos will see this watermark and if 

they click on it then they will have the option to subscribe to your

channel. YouTube users are used to seeing these watermarks and you 

should get more subscribers using this tactic.

Make your Video Thumbnails Enticing

Don’t rely on YouTube to take a snapshot image of a section of your 

video to create your thumbnail. You need to create your own enticing 

thumbnails for every video that will draw the eye of YouTube users. 

It is not difficult to create good looking thumbnails. You can use a free 

online service like to create YouTube thumbnails using 

templates. If you don’t have any design skills or want to outsource this 

task then you can find competent freelancers on

Use Enticing Titles

You need to get the balance of your video titles right. We recommend 

that you add your main keyword in your video titles but we also suggest 

that you make your titles as short as possible. The title of your video is 

the most important SEO element.

Don’t just use the keyword in your title. A lot of other people will do 

this and it is just lazy. Add some more enticing words to draw viewers. 

Try to keep your title short as only the first 45 characters are displayed 

in the YouTube search results.

In the next section, we will discuss how you can use your influence on 


How you can use your Influence on 


This section is all about making money from your YouTube channel. 

Despite what you may have heard, it is not necessary for you to have 

millions of subscribers to generate revenue from your videos and 


Be a Micro Influencer

It may surprise you to know that there are a lot of businesses that are 

looking for YouTube channels that have a small number of loyal 

subscribers. If they can see a good fit with their business and their 

products and services then they are going to be interested in working 

with you.

Loyalty is the key here. Sponsors will want to see that your videos are 

eagerly consumed every time you upload a new one. They will also 

check the comments, number of likes and more to gauge your 

engagement levels.

Create a Statistics File for potential Sponsors

Throughout this report we have recommended that you monitor key 

metrics for your channel and your videos. We also suggest that you keep 

a record of your metrics that you can show to any potential sponsors. 

Here are some metrics that you should start recording:

* The engagement rate for your videos

• The subscriber growth for your channel

Demographics such as location

When you think about it, sponsors are going to be interested in how 

engaged your viewers are with your videos. If you work with a sponsor 

then they will want you to promote their products and services in your 

videos. Just placing an affiliate link in the description will not be 


It is important that you can demonstrate to potential sponsors that your 

channel is growing. Keep a not of your subscribers over time and also 

the increase in video views. How much of your videos do your viewers 

tend to watch? Retention rate is important and as your channel grows 

this should increase.

Be Proactive and find Potential Sponsors

Rather than wait for potential sponsors to contact you, we recommend 

that you be proactive and look for potential sponsors that are a good fit 

for your channel. You can use Google search to find companies in your 

niche. If your channel is still fairly small then contacting large 

companies is probably not going to work.

Create a list of potential sponsors and then contact them via email and 

ask if you can send them the latest metrics for your channel and videos. 

Offer them the option to sponsor your channel / videos or the chance to 

advertise on your videos.

Sign Up for the YouTube Partner Program

If you are eligible, you can sign up for the YouTube Partner Program 

which will enable you to show ads on your videos. You will get a share 

of the revenue for displaying these ads. In order to qualify, you need a 

minimum of 1,000 subscribers to your channel and more than 4,000 

watch hours over the last year.

Affiliate Marketing

You can promote related products or services on your videos. Sign up as 

an affiliate for these products and services and add your affiliate link in 

the description box. When a sale is made through your affiliate link you 

will earn a commission.

Final Words

The potential is certainly there to make a lot of money as a YouTube 

influencer. But you need to build up a good following on the platform 

first. Follow the techniques discussed in this special report and you will 

have the best chance of success.

You need to make engaging videos that YouTube users want to watch. 

People will naturally subscribe to your channel if your content is good. 

Choose a niche and become an expert in it. Answer the burning 

questions that your audience has.

There are a number of ways that you can monetize your YouTube 

channel. The best way is to find sponsors and advertisers to work with as 

they are likely to pay you the most. You can also sign up for the 

YouTube Partner Program and earn ad revenue and become an affiliate 

for related products and services.

We wish you every success in becoming a YouTube influencer!

Essential Resources

7 examples of influencer marketing on YouTube

How to become a YouTube influencer

OBS Studio for streaming and screen recording

15 YouTube marketing courses to check out

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